Giving Back. Paying Forward. Having Heart.

The Dublin Community Foundation

Let’s Be the Change! We are Dublin’s Philanthropic Strategist: since 2004.


Questions About the FoundationGet Involved! Make a Difference

Invest in Dublin

Support your neighbors, coworkers, and classmates with your giving dollars. Every donation supports the Dublin giving community.

Build Connections

Lean on the Dublin Community Foundation’s network of donors, nonprofits, and community members to make a difference.

Volunteer Time & Talents

Give with more than your dollars.  Volunteer with the Dublin Community Foundation and the entire Dublin giving ecosystem.
Dublin Community Foundation - two children drawing on a paper about giving and community

Who is the Dublin Community Foundation?

A community foundation, by definition, is a public charity whose focus is on supporting a geographical area, primarily by facilitating and pooling donations used to address community needs and support local nonprofits.

Community foundations offer numerous types of grantmaking programs, frequently including donor-advised funds, endowments, scholarships, field-of-interest funds, giving circles, and more. Community foundations are funded by donations from individuals, families, businesses, and sometimes government grants.

Dublin's Philanthropic Strategist - providing holiday presents

We are Dublin’s philanthropic strategist.

We work collaboratively. We identify needs. We maximize opportunities. We listen with our hearts and act as prudent stewards.

Partners bring together people, organizations and businesses

We are Dublin’s partner in heart and spirit.

As a community-based, non-profit organization, we bring together people, organizations and businesses to make a difference. We’re your neighbors and co-workers – and like you – we care about Dublin.

Dublin Community Foundation support provided since 2011 through FYE 2023:

Total Grants


Total Scholarships


Total Funded


Dublin Has Heart Fund

The Dublin Community Foundation is proud that we established the “Dublin Has Heart Fund” in response to COVID-19.


In 1982, the Dublin Fund of the Columbus Foundation was created through an endowment from several Village of Dublin residents. The Emerald Ball served as the Dublin Fund’s annual fundraiser. In 2004, the Dublin Fund received nonprofit 501 (c)(3) status, and the name was changed to the Dublin Foundation.

Since our inception in 1982, we have supported community causes and projects such as the Muirfield Village Garden Club, Blue Star Memorial, Maria’s Message, and KidSMILES. And in the past decade, we have expanded our circle of community influence by collaborating with the Nick Rozanski Fund and the First Responders Scholarship Fund.

In 2017, during a transformational era for our community, the board adopted The Dublin Community Foundation as the new name to reflect a renewed focus.

Photo: Dublin Road Falls, a relatively unknown waterfall in Columbus, Oho, plunges around twenty feet over a rock cliff in secluded woods—licensed photo by Kenneth Keifer.

Past Dublin Community Foundation Grant Recipients

A Kid Again Central Ohio Chapter
Dublin Food Pantry
Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation
One Dublin
Good Medicine Productions
Girls on the Run
Dublin Police
Let Me Run
Dublin Arts Council
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