Dublin Community Foundation Grant Awards
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.
This page will update periodically as information is available to share.
2024 Grants
Welcome Warehouse/One Dublin
Grant Amount: $4,000
View/Download the Impact Report One Dublin prepared for DCF [pdf]
The DCF Grant Cycle
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.
2023 Grants
Columbus Running Co. Foundation
Grant Amount: $1,500
Let Me Run
Grant Amount: $1,000
Dublin City Schools
Grant Amount: $1,000
Grant Amount: $5,000
Good Medicine Productions
Grant Amount: $3,000
Welcome Warehouse/One Dublin
Grant Amount: $2,500
A Kid Again Central Ohio
Grant Amount: $4,000
View/Download the Impact Summary A Kid Again prepared for DCF [pdf]
View Holiday Adventure (opens an external link in a new window/tab)
Neighborhood Bridges – Dublin
Grant Amount: $2,500
The Ohio State University Foundation
Grant Amount: $4,000
The DCF Grant Cycle
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.
2022 Grants
One Dublin
Grant Amount: $ 12,500
Dublin Food Pantry
Grant Amount: $ 10,000
Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation
Grant Amount: $ 10,000
The DCF Grant Cycle
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.
2021 Grants
The Welcome Warehouse Jean Griffith Back-to-School
Grant Amount: $10,000
The Welcome Warehouse Jean Griffith Back-to-School Outreach (now known as One Dublin) is a special event that provides free backpacks and school supplies to students in need in the Dublin City School District.
Learn more about the event here: https://one-dublin.org/back-to-school.
Dublin Food Pantry
Grant Amount: $11,500
Ongoing support for the Dublin Food Pantry as they prepare to move a new dedicated facility.
The DCF Grant Cycle
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.
2020 Grants
Total Awarded: $44,500
Dublin Has Heart Fund Emergency Response Grants:
With the challenges of COVID-19, grant funding was handled differently this year. Following is the list of Grant Recipients and funding.
Dublin Food Pantry
Grant Amount: $10,000
Welcome Warehouse
Grant Amount: $10,000
Dublin Neighborhood Bridges
Grant Amount: $5,000
Dublin Chamber Civic Foundation
Grant Amount: $5,000
Grant Amount: $5,000
Good Medicine Productions
Grant Amount: $3,000
Grant Amount: $3,500
Dublin Arts Council
Grant Amount: $3,000
The DCF Grant Cycle
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.
2019 Grants
Grant Amount: $
The DCF Grant Cycle
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.
Spring 2018 Grants
Spreading Great Ideas | TedxInnovationDr.
Grant Amount: $3,500
Good ideas are worth spreading. Dublin School students are spearheading the effort to create a platform at TedxInnovationDr where people can come together to share various ideas that can be implemented in Dublin’s society. The Dublin Community Foundation committed $3,500 to support this event.
Mark your calendar for July 7, 2018, for this thought-provoking event in our own backyard!
Creating Shared Cultural Experiences | Dublin Arts Council
Grant Amount: $1,000
Did someone say bread? Dublin Arts Council (DAC) engages the community, cultivates creativity, and fosters life-long learning through the arts. The DAC will leverage the funds from the Dublin Community Foundation to host B.R.E.A.D!, a multicultural festival of arts and community, on October 14, 2018. The festival will reconnect the increasingly diverse Dublin community via shared experiences of making and breaking of traditional breads of the many cultures represented in the community. The Dublin Community Foundation committed $1,000 to the Dublin Arts Council in support of B.R.E.A.D.!
Increasing Accessibility of Fresh Produce | Dublin Food Pantry
Grant Amount: $4,000
The Dublin Food Pantry is dedicated to providing for the needs of hungry people by collecting and distributing food and grocery products, educating the community about hunger, and collaborating with others who address basic human needs. This grant will help the organization increase its participation in the Dublin City School’s summer feeding program and with Blessings in a Backpack, making weekly pickups of fresh produce from Mid-Ohio Foodbank to distribute to individuals in need in the community. The Dublin Community Foundation committed $4,000 to support this work.
Preparing Students for the New School Year | Welcome Warehouse
Grant Amount: $4,000
Welcome Warehouse provides resources to Dublin City and School District residents who are temporarily in need because of job loss, underemployment, health crises, or other challenges. With their awarded funds, they will purchase new school supplies and backpacks for children in need, come back-to-school season. Welcome Warehouse prepares standardized school supply kits for elementary, middle, and high school students based on the supply lists published by Dublin City Schools. The Dublin Community Foundation has committed $4,000 to Welcome Warehouse to support this effort.
Editor’s Note: Welcome Warehouse is now incorporated into One Dublin.
The DCF Grant Cycle
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.
Fall 2018 Grants
Making Computer Science More Accessible to Younger Students | Dublin Computer Science Club
Grant Amount: $
The Dublin Computer Science Club empowers students to expand their computer science skillsets and build the foundation for a career. With the awarded funds, the student leaders of the Computer Science Club will create workshops targeted to cultivate computing and technology interest in younger Dublin students—with an emphasis on girls.
Empowering Dublin Girls Through Physical Activity | Girls on the Run
Grant Amount: $
Girls on the Run of Central Ohio envisions and is dedicated to creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams. Girls on the Run inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. With its awarded funds, Girls on the Run will continue to serve Daniel Wright Elementry and introduce programming at Olde Sawmill Elementary, Riverside Elementary and Davis Middle School.
Bringing a Free Bookfair to Daniel Write Elementary | School Rocks Party Box
Grant Amount: $
School Rocks Party Box focuses on the whole child, knowing that a child cannot grow and learn without the basic necessities. School Rocks Party Box enriches children’s educational experience in an effort to make the classroom a more positive and rewarding experience. With the awarded funds, School Rocks Party Box will bring a free book fair to Daniel Wright Elementary—providing 200 new books to students.
Expanding ROX Training for Dublin Teachers | Ruling Our eXperiences
Grant Amount: $
Ruling Our eXperiences (ROX) seeks to equip girls with the knowledge and skills needed to live healthy, independent, productive, and violence-free lives. The organization has a mission to create generations of confident girls who control their own relationships, experiences, decisions, and futures. Girls do not have to pay to participate in ROX, and the funds awarded will enable facilitators to continue to conduct implementation at their school sites.
The DCF Grant Cycle
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.
2017 Grants
$14,000 Awarded in 2017 Spring Grants
Dublin Police Department Canine Unit Reinstatement
Grant Amount: $8,500
The Dublin Police Department was granted $8,500 in support of their canine unit reinstatement. Dublin Police began a canine program in the 1990s; the last canine retired at the end of 2015. Bringing back the unit will allow for a canine in the Dublin district for drug sniffing, suspect tracking as well as missing child cases.
Let Me Run
Grant Amount: $2,500
Let Me Run was granted $2,500 to provide scholarships for boys who could not participate due to their family’s financial ability. The Let Me Run program combines exercise with fun activities and lessons to help boys learn teamwork, build relationship skills, create friendships, grow emotionally, amplify their self-esteem, empower themselves and others, and live an active lifestyle. They nurture and celebrate every aspect of what it really means to be a boy and let them run.
Welcome Warehouse
Grant Amount: $3,000
A grant to Welcome Warehouse of $3,000 will provide students with school supplies and assist with the cost of calculators as well as ACT and SAT registration fees. The program was created to serve people in the Dublin City School District who are struggling to meet basic needs because of job loss, underemployment, health crises, or other challenges.
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals in February and August. The amount of available money varies.
2016 Grants
$10,000 Awarded in 2017 Fall Grants
Let Me Run
Grant Amount: $
Let Me Run inspires boys through the power of running to be courageous enough to be themselves, to build healthy relationships, and to live an active lifestyle. The trained coaches combine exercise with fun activities and lessons to help boys learn teamwork, build relationship skills, create friendships, grow emotionally, amplify their self-esteem, empower themselves and others, and live an active lifestyle. Let Me Run boys leave the program with a sense of accomplishment, a deeper belief in self, and a greater appreciation for their peers. Through the Dublin Foundation Support, Let Me Run will increase their team base to 25 and more than double the number of participants. With funding, the program will be able to offer ¼ of the participants funding so that more boys can participate.
Dublin Arts Council
Grant Amount: $2,500
A $2,500 grant to the Dublin Arts Council will provide support for Dublin City Schools Fine Arts Standards through experimental learning. In recognition of Dublin’s large Japanese population and the friendship city declaration with Masiko Japan, the Dublin Arts Council is bringing a new exhibition, Masajuki Miyajuma, black white, grey and accompanying workshops. This exhibition helps students connect with one another through a shared arts experience. Enriching field trips contribute to the development of students and fosters more knowledge about art, strong critical thinking skills and increased historical empathy.
The Ohio Wildlife Center’s Wild Discover Days
Grant Amount: $2,500
The Ohio Wildlife Center’s Wild Discover Days received a $2,500 grant that allows Dublin schools students, Dublin residents and Dublin corporate residents free admission to a learning opportunity by engaging with animals. This program utilizes the newly created Learning Center. Topics will include Butterfly Census, Celebrate Urban Birds, Monitor Water Quality, Frog and Toad Population, Garlic Mustard Field Survey or Photograph Living Things.
$8,920 Award in 2016 Spring Grants
Welcome Warehouse
Grant Amount: $4,500
A grant to Welcome Warehouse of $4,500 will provide 450 students with school supplies and assist with cost of calculators as well as ACT and SAT registration fees. This year, with the Dublin Foundation Grant, Welcome Warehouse will assist 100 more students than last year. The program was created to serve people in the Dublin City School District who are struggling to meet basic needs because of job loss, underemployment, health crises, or other challenges.
Grant Amount: $4,420
KidsSMILES was presented a grant of $4,420 to teach early dental health and provide a free dental clinic to children in need. KidsSMILES is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing quality dental care and education to children at an affordable cost to their families.
The DCF Grant Cycle
The Dublin Community Foundation accepts grant proposals all year specifically through March for the April Review and through September for the October Review. The amount of available money varies.