Grant Application Guidelines

What you'll need to complete your application.
Apply for a Grant
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Preparing for the Grant Application

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The Application Process

You can send your Grant Application at any time; however, the Dublin Community Foundation reviews applications according to the following Grant Cycle:

  1. Apply through March for April review
  2. Apply through September for October review

Those notified that their project/program is under consideration should be prepared to provide a short 5-10 presentation to the Board at the relevant April or October review session.


Applications for funding must demonstrate a direct benefit to the Dublin community. 

  • How does your project/program help Dublin? 
  • How will its residents be served?

As we realize the Application Form is lengthy and time-consuming, we have implemented the ability to Save and Continue.  If used, you will receive an email with a unique time-sensitive, encrypted link (valid no longer than 30 days) to return to your saved form to finalize.  Interruptions or discovering the need to secure additional documents makes a single session inconvenient, and there is also the risk of losing work in progress if an existing network security process automatically stops a web session or there’s a power disruption.

Note: You are encouraged to complete the application on a desktop device (versus a mobile device) for the best usability experience.


Prepare Ahead with the Required Documents:

  • Organization budget for the current fiscal year
  • Project budget
  • Two most recently completed Form 990s
  • Most recently completed audit
  • Letter of support from the organization’s board or governing body
  • Letters of support from collaborating organizations, if applicable
  • Lists and amounts of grants received in the last two years, if applicable

Dublin Community Highlight

The Boat in the Field

The Dublin Arts Council‘s “Art in Public Places” program is one of the things that makes our community so unique.
The program began in 1988 and includes 21 large-scale permanent, site-specific installations valued at $3.8 million.
Artist:   Ilan Averbuch
Installation location:  M.L. “Red” Trabue Nature Reserve
Public Dedication:  24 August 2023