Board of Trustees

Volunteers Committed to our Mission and Community
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The Dublin Community Foundation Board of Trustees

The Dublin Community Foundation’s all-volunteer board shares a common goal of connecting community generosity with community needs.

Collectively, the trustees’ diverse skill sets, depth of experience, and commitment to the community combine to create a leadership organization that is dedicated, strategic, and visionary.

John Stevens, President - DCF Board of Trustees

John Stevens

Karen McCaffrey, Secretary Elect - DCF Board of Trustees

Karen McCaffrey

Christy Zimmerman, Treasurer - DCF Board of Trustees

Christy Zimmerman

Nei Mathias, DCF Board of Trustees

Neil Mathias

Dwayne Maynard, DCF Board of Trustees

Dwayne Maynard

Steven Moore, Ex Officio DCF Board of Trustees

Steven Moore

Ex Officio
Jim Grafmeyer, DCF Board of Trustees

Jim Grafmeyer

Chief Justin Páez, Dublin Police Department

Chief Justin Páez

Dublin Police Department
Dr. John C. Marschhausen, Superintendent, Dublin City School Distric5

Dr. John C. Marschhausen

Superintendent, Dublin City School District
Marilee Chinnici-Zuercher, DCF Board of Trustees

Marilee Chinnici-Zuercher

Dan Garvin, DCF Board of Trustees

Dan Garvin, CLCS

Bill Burke

Bill Burke

Emily Ramos

Emily Glaser

Carmen Savarino DCF Board

Carmen Savarino

Dublin Community Highlight

What is the Field of Corn?

Field of Corn (with Osage Oranges) is the third installation in Dublin’s Art in Public Places collection. The sculpture includes 109 human-sized (6 ft. 3 in. or 1.9 m) tall ears of corn that stand upright in realistic row patterns. 

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