The Dublin Foundation sponsors event held by GDRA (Greater Dublin Realtors Association) to raise awareness against distracted driving in support of Maria’s Message.
The event was held on November 21st at MAG in Dublin. Funds raised from the event totaled more than $30,000 and purchased two distracted driving simulators. One of the simulators will be located within the Dublin school system and the other with the Dublin Police Department. The Dublin Foundation donated $1,000 to the cause, going directly to the simulators purchase.
Maria’s Message and the foundation in Maria’s name, strive to bring Defensive Driving Education to the forefront. The need to educate young drivers is imperative since distractions to drivers young and old are more present than ever before. Bringing the two simulators into the Dublin Community will educate our city’s children and hopefully train them to become ambassadors to their peers as well as parents on the dangers of distracted driving.